Moving to the GTA? Simplify your Upcoming Move Our GTA Moving Services!

So, you’ve just bought a new home – congratulations! But now, you’ll need professional GTA moving services to help you with your upcoming relocation. There’s a whole lot to do before your big day arrives, from organizing to packing to changing your contact information. Good thing our experts at Firemen Movers in Toronto, Ontario have put together these following 6 tips to make your transfer super simple.

Moving and storage services in toronto

Looking For GTA Moving Services? Firemen Movers Can Help!

Simplify your Upcoming Move with These 6 Pro Tips!

  1. Go through everything and purge!

Whatever you do, don’t skip this essential step! Go through all your belongings and remove everything you no longer need. After separating them, you can decide if you want to sell them, give them away or recycle them at an appropriate facility. In doing so, you won’t be paying GTA moving services to transfer items you had no intention of keeping in the first place!

  1. Hire a professional moving company.

By hiring a professional moving company, you’ll be taking a huge step towards making your relocation stress-free. A specialized team can oversee every aspect of your move, from start to finish, so you don’t have to organize, pack or even lift a finger!

  1. Choose premium moving supplies.

While you may be tempted to use those free boxes you got at the grocery store, the truth is they’re likely structurally too weak to protect your belongings properly. Whether they were exposed to the elements or simply overused, you’re better off using new boxes that are specifically designated for moving.

  1. Pack well-ahead of time.

Don’t wait until the last minute to pack your items, it’s too much to do when you’re down to the wire. Ideally, you should start boxing items a few months in advance – at the very least 8 weeks ahead of the big day. If you do a bit every day, then the task won’t seem so overwhelming.

  1. Change your address before the move.

Believe it or not, many people leave this to the last minute or even forget to transfer utilities before the move. Give companies at least two weeks in advance to transfer their services, although it would be best to give them a good two months to do so to avoid any hassles on your part or surcharges.

  1. Label containers like a pro.

Speed up move-out and move-in time by adding detailed labels to all containers. This seemingly small action can save you a ton of time – and a whole lot of headaches!

Looking for professional GTA moving services to simplify your upcoming relocation? Give us a call at Firemen Movers to find out more about our transfer plans, or to book a free, no-obligation estimate.