GTA Moving Companies Share Tips on Saving Money Before Your Move

GTA Moving Companies Share Tips on Saving Money Before Your Move

Save Some Extra Bucks on Moving Day by Preparing Meals in Advance

GTA Moving Companies Help Save You Money

With moving day less than a week away, it’s time to get cracking on planning meals in advance. Since this isn’t your first relocation, you’re well-aware of how important it is to have meals ready to go once the hunger hits. Ordering in over several days can cost a pretty penny, so you’d like to avoid that – and the greasy food – altogether. As you’re all for healthier cuisine and being more cost-effective, you decide preparing meals in advance is indeed the way to go. If that approach sounds good to you, check out the following tips to help you out, provided by one of the best-rated GTA moving companies – Firemen Movers!

Start with a healthy breakfast

Moving day starts early in the morning, so you’ll need your energy from a good, healthy breakfast. Don’t be tempted to skip this very essential meal or scarf down cold pizza instead by planning out an easy, quick, and simple menu. Microwavable oatmeal with fruit or a premade omelet are excellent choices. Make sure to set aside disposable cutlery and dishes so clean-up and packing aren’t an issue.

Keep snacks handy

The day will whizz by fast and you’ll likely find yourself unable to take many breaks. However, it’s essential to keep hydrated and have a healthy snack every few hours. Prepare healthy, non-perishable options in advance, such as fruit, protein or granola bars, and cut-up veggies, so you’re not tempted to reach for the chip bags. Pre-portion everything in small Ziploc baggies to make snacking even easier.

Leftovers are a moving homeowner’s best friend

When going through your fridge to prepare it for moving day, don’t throughout leftovers simply because you don’t know what to do with them. Rather, use several single-meal-sized Tupperware containers to pre-measure lunches and dinners. You can always freeze them in advance, so on moving day when you remove them, they’ll travel well in an insulated bag or thermal container. And, upon arrival, you’ll be set with several healthy meals for the family that you can easily microwave.

Use your oven for frozen meals

Packages of large frozen meals are a real godsend on moving day. All you have to do is pop them in the oven, set the timer, continue unpacking for a bit, then eat when the timer goes off. Voila! No worry about cooking in advance and clean-up is super minimal.

Look for top-rated GTA moving companies? Call us today at Firemen Movers for excellent services at affordable rates. When you place your trust in one of the best GTA moving companies, you’re assured quality results!


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